Rat of the Month - January 2010

A Rat is a dirty, rotten creature hell bent on destroying society with dieses and pestilence.

A Roto Rat is a dirty, rotten player who you hate to have on your roster but somehow always seems to end up in your starting lineup.

There are several indicators to determine if a player is a true Roto Rat:

1. If night after night you pray that a player on your roster gets no points. That player may be a rat.

2. If you attempt to trade a player with 6 other teams and all the other managers reject the trade based, not on stats, but on the principle of not having that player on their team. That player may be rat.

3. If a player on your team breaks his leg, and you think “good, I don’t have to play him anymore”. That player may be a rat.

4. If you seriously consider benching a high scoring forward for Fabian Brunnstrom. That high scoring forward may be a rat.

5. If you win your pool but can’t look at the prize money because you know a player on your team contributed to the victory. That player may be a rat.

Keeper Hockey celebrates Roto Rats with our Rat of the Month Award. Enjoy!

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